
We need consent from the majority of owners to allow repairs to go ahead.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) below to see if we have the answer. If you can't find the answer, get in touch.

Why am I receiving these details when I didn’t raise this repair?

Another owner or a member of staff has raised the repair. Because the cost was above the threshold of our delegated authority, as set out in your title deeds, all owners are asked to consent.

How is the cost of the repair calculated?

Reactive repairs are priced on a Schedule of Rates (SoR) basis which means there is an agreed labour, plant, and material cost for each element of work. The appropriate SoR codes are used to calculate the cost of the repair required.

For some repairs this will include a contingency for possible work that cannot be determined through inspection beforehand.

Sometimes this means completed repairs are less costly. For example, if we were able to patch a pipe rather than completely replace it.

However, sometimes once work starts we can find more extensive repairs are needed. If that is the case and additional costs will be incurred, then we will stop works and contact you and your neighbours to get consent before continuing with the repairs.

Can I get a further breakdown of the cost?

The consent paperwork includes your share of the total cost of the works, and a breakdown of the elements of the work that will be carried out as part of the repair.

Your final invoice will describe the work that was done, when it was carried out, the total cost of the work, and your individual share of that cost due for payment.

There is no further breakdown available.

Why do I only get one quote?

Rather than have a panel of providers our repairs service is delivered by City Building (Glasgow) in the west of Scotland and Wheatley Homes East's Property Services Team in the east.

Using one provider means that we can respond to requests for a repair quicker, as less time is taken arranging different providers to price up a repair.

It also means we can keep the costs to you low.

What if my neighbours don't consent?

If you consent to a repair but we do not get similar agreement from enough of your neighbours the repair will be cancelled.

Can I pay my neighbours' share?

Yes, you can opt to pay an additional share, or the whole cost of the repair should you wish.

However, please note we would still need enough owners to agree for the works to proceed in line with your title deeds.

If you do want to pay for more than your share then get in touch with us and we will issue revised consent paperwork outlining what the amended share of the costs will be.

What if I or my neighbours change our mind?

Once we have received consent to undertake a repair we are obliged to go ahead.

If not enough owners consent to a repair and it is cancelled, we will only ask for consent for that repair again if:

  • One or more owners tell us they have changed their mind and want to proceed and this would now change the outcome.
  • There is a material change in the work required and costs, for example the work needed is now more extensive.

When is the work going ahead?

Once we have consent to proceed with the repair, we will write to you again to confirm when it will be carried out.

When will I get a bill?

We bill common repairs separately from the quarterly common charge bills. We aim to issue your repair bill within two months of the works being carried out.

Will my insurance cover this?

You will have to contact your insurer to check.

If your insurance is arranged as part of your common charges you should call to make a claim.

Making a claim for buildings insurance is quick and easy.

To make a claim call Aviva.

Insurer: Aviva

Policy No: PM519292CHC

Contact No: 0800 015 1498

What if I can't afford the repair cost?

If you have difficulty paying your bill please contact us as soon as possible on 0800 561 6666. We're here to help.