Common repairs

While you are responsible for the upkeep of your own home, the common parts of the building are the joint responsibility of all homeowners.

Your Title Deeds will set out when we need to ask for permission to go ahead with a repair. Below this level, often called the 'consent level' or 'threshold' we have delegated authority to make the repair. Above this level we will write to all owners to ask for permission to proceed with a repair. Please check your Title Deeds to see what consent limits apply to your property.

What happens next?

We need your permission to go ahead with any repairs where the costs will be higher than the consent limits for your property.

We will contact you and ask you to consider and respond within seven days to allow us to process the repair.

If we get permission from the majority of owners, we will instruct the work to go ahead.

If we don’t get consent for a repair, we will only ask for permission for the same repair again if you or a neighbour tell us about a material change in circumstances e.g. if the problem has got worse, or if enough owners change their minds for it to go ahead.

We don't need your permission where there is a risk to health and safety. If that's the case we can go ahead with necessary repairs to protect all residents and their properties.

Please be aware that we can apply to your local authority to have essential work enforced. This is generally a last resort, as we always strive to reach agreement with you and other homeowners  in your block first.

What is in your Title Deeds?

Your Title Deeds define the location of your property, for example top floor, left flat. They also tell you about your rights and responsibilities for your own property and your shared responsibilities for the whole building. Your Title Deeds contain the rules for how the common parts of your building are managed, for example, consent levels for repairs, how votes will be taken, and what your factor is responsible for.

How do I get a copy of my Title Deeds?

We don’t hold copies of your deeds. However, you can get a copy from the Registers of Scotland - which will charge for the service. 

Address: Registers of Scotland, Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow G2 7NQ.

Telephone: 0800 169 9391
